11 Oct 2014

Technology ≠ Quality life.. But can we escape?

Technology ≠ Quality life.. But can we escape?

I had an honest conversation with my mom today, about today’s society and how things are going for the future. And we both agreed that today, there’s too much of everything for a quality life of humans. And by quality, I don’t mean iPhones for everyone and living near big shopping centres, so you could grab anything new within 10 minutes. That’s not a quality life. But we might think that way, just because developers, advertisers and people in government spread that thought with various commercials, convincing us, that’s best for us.

Source: www.inman.com 
There’s no need to say, that more technology that we are able to get and have, more stupid and undeveloped we’re becoming. We like to think we have it all, but we’re sailing to the naive-land, where technology is overcoming us. Big time.

Look at the young population (myself included). Can we go and do something without using any cell phones, computers or cars? And don’t get me started on the internet part. Today, a cafe without Wi-Fi is like pool with no water.. useless. It’s a standard, having it all around, so we can connect to it. But let me ask you something.. connect to what? Huge network, where you can do whatever you want, whether is it for job or school, or social networking, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube … where we’re sharing stuff, that we definitely wouldn’t, if we’d meet on the street, like right now. So basically, we’re escaping from reality and actual situation, believing in our success, because 50 people, that you don’t even know in person, just liked your half-naked picture.

Source: diginarrate.net 

The sad part is, that we can’t change much of that. Technology is pulling us towards, and even if we don’t want it, we have to accept it. Example: I can’t apply for exam at my college, if I don’t run computer, open their site, and click that button, so they can collect applications for all students at once. Sure it’s easier and quicker, but it’s just one of many systems, driving us downwards. So what happened to the ratio between simplicity and basic human needs?
Source: blogs.parc.com 

24 Jul 2014

I can find it myself! Or ...

I can find it myself! Or ...

I was at the library today. Again. Every time I walk into that place, I get that exciting feeling, how many books are there, waiting for me. I had my to-read list with me, and then, where to start? I ran the computer to find out, where the hell those books are. 5 minutes later, still staring at monitor, I had no idea on which shelve this particular book was. 

Source: www.niutoday.info
I was considering asking the librarian, but No!, I have my reputation, I can do this! I mean, I have been in library so many times by now, I should know how the hell to find that stack of paper with coloured cover on it, but yet I don't. So I investigated what those weird numbers by the books title mean, then rose from the chair in style of victory and went on adventure between shelves to find that treasure. Walking, searching, sighing with despair, more of walking, almost giving up ... 

But then, just when I intended to go towards that microphone at the desk, to say: "Can the book Divergent please come to the front desk immediately? Book Divergent to the desk! Thank you.", I saw it. There it was. My precious, all shiny as an opened fridge in the shadow of night. I needed JUST 20 minutes. 

Source: shelversanon.blogspot.com
And then I remembered, that's only one book, six more to go! So I walked back to computer in devastation, searching for other book, when suddenly, out of nowhere, librarian asked me, if I needed any help. In my head, I was arguing with myself, whether say yes or no, kinda like "Damn, I'm doing just fine, don't question my abilities!" versus "You're an idiot. Let the professionals handle your hard-to-do situation. The library won't be open whole night for your tiny brain to find stuff. Help is advised."

Source: alena-gordievich.deviantart.com
Eight and a half minutes later, I had all 7 books in my hands, thanks to I-know-where-every-single-book-is librarian. I walked outside, when a not-understandable thought hit me. "It's still daylight? Normally, it's night, when I come out of the library ..."


30 Jun 2014

Chased by a cat

Chased by a cat

So last week I was on a bike, cycling through nearest villages, having a great time on my own and the weather was sunny. When something really strange happened. I was driving with a speed of about 15 km/h on a road, surrounded by fields and almost no houses.

So I was driving past high grass, while talking to myself (like always, as you know), when I heard something moving in the grass. Something black, then I realised it's a cat. My first reaction was "Aww, a cat.", like when you see a little ball of fur with puppy eyes. Well not puppy, it's a freaking cat. But then all became strange, the sh*t that happened was as expected as the slutty career of Miley Cyrus.

Source: mohammadamiri.deviantart.com
When I went by the cat, it started to run after me, chasing me like it's for its life. It caught up with me, I was shocked while looking down what the hell is going on. The freaking cat ran WITH me, it was so close to the wheels, that I was sitting frozen, so I wouldn't run over it. I yelled "What the f*ck is wrong with you?", but it became clear that it was racing with me! Even though I was confused, just as I am when listening PSY songs, I pushed the pedals harder and raced with that f*ucking cat. The cat obviously understood what I was doing, so it used its full power to just pass me by with the speed of light. You should've seen that. It looked like some old granny vs. Bolt on olympics.

Source: frankyding90.deviantart.com
Freaking cat went past me, ran to the other side of road into the high grass, just a centimeter away from front wheel of my stupid bike, who lost a match towards a cat. A cat. I'll never be able to look into the eyes of my bike again. Stupid bike. Stupid cat. This fight isn't over. I shall come back and outrun you, Cat the Greatest. Brace yourselves, all the cats of humanity .. I mean, of cat-nity, as my comeback will defeat you all. And here's a song, that's in my head most commonly since that day:

            Hey kitty,
Fool kitty,
Stupid ball from hell.
Lazy kitty,
Looser kitty,
War, war, war.

Source: tumblr.com


22 Jun 2014

Summer's up! RIP my skin.

Summer's up! RIP my skin. 

It's june already and hot days are coming in. It's that time of the year, when you don't know if you should stay inside, cause it's so hot, and just chill, or go outside and get burnt to the bones. I prefer staying inside, cause my skin obviously hates sun. I get burnt quicker than a nerd spells p-h-o-t-o-t-o-x-i-c.
Source: learning.blogs.nytimes.com

Wasn't even summer yet, and I'm already burnt. Just for being on a bike for an hour. Nice. And right after my skin recover from that, it gets all milky-coloured again. Everytime. Like what tha ...?
Picture this, every summer I get to the seaside, everyone there has a nice tan, looking good, and I'm there as white as a polar bear who lost his way, ending up in Hall of Darkness. I swear my skin could glow in the dark, I'm that white. And the sun gets me everywhereee! Universe hates me, apparently.. Sun, Earth and The Moon gather together saying: Yo, lets burn this madafakaa. I sure appreciate it. Dumbasses.
Source: lavendra.deviantart.com
And I just hate it, when people say "Aww you're so white!" and they compare their skin to mine. That kinda looks like Oreo cookie, when clearly I'm the one in the middle. And then they're all smart, saying "Go sunbathing, tan a little!" Yea. Sure. Cause I never tried that. Thanks for advice. Let me go and cover myself with lots of magnifying glasses while walking down the street instead of sunbathing. Practically the fuc*ing same thing to me.
Source: www.newgrounds.com
So let me enjoy the sunny-less spots of the world, cause the sun is getting up again. Need to escape from its powers, I don't wanna be a tomato for the rest of the summer. Better find a cave real soon. Anyone joining?

20 Apr 2014

Me, behave? Hell no!

Me, behave? Hell no!

Firstly, just to get an impression, here's something that describes me perfectly:

"Some people think I'm crazy, but some people KNOW that I am."
(I just wrote that. I know, I know - such a poet.)

Source: favim.com

Whenever people are not at home, somewhere out, they are careful about their look, what they do, the attitude and so on.. but not me. I simply don't care how I present myself to the world around me. I don't care how my face looks at the moment, what I'm wearing, is my hair okay.. I just don't see, why would that be important in any way. Okay, I get that you have to be properly dressed for school, church or job, and of course I'm dressed like I should be in this situations. What I'm saying is, that when I go out with friends or while meeting new people, I don't care how I look or behave, I'm just good old me. Weird myself. 

As a result, I behave, like I'm at home, talking to myself, I make weird faces, talk loudly, sometimes scream across the hall to another friend, and then everybody is staring at me. At that times I think: 'Yeah, that's me, so face it!' I don't even try to make new friends, I actually made a few just BECAUSE I am the way that I am. I met some people, who are not afraid to look stupid in public, at college, on the bus. So actually, being completely myself has helped me to find exactly those human beings, who fit to my personality perfectly. If that's not something great, then I don't know what is!

Source: rachelslookbook.com
I'm not trying to make a good impression or trying to be similar to others in some situations, but I'm not saying that I'm not polite. I don't want to be rude! Who would want that? So, when I say, that I behave as I please, I mean - as I please WITH a nice heart to others. I guess. Seems legit to me!

Ya, about that behavior thing... I laugh loudly and retarded. I have so many different laughs, that probably not even one video on whole YouTube describes all the types of them. I'm laughing at anything, nothing, and everything, except for the actual jokes, because I often don't get them hahaha :D if you're ever looking for me, just follow your ears and you'll find me sooner as with using your eyes. People around me often look at me as 'what the hell is funny?' or 'would you stop already?' Unfortunately I find that amusing, so it makes it even worse.
Source: sodahead.com
So, if you're intending to become my friend, I have to warn you right now! Our behavior might get us into trouble, or (more possibly) you'll loose all your normal friends. When you're joining me = joining the weird club. To the weirdness!


17 Apr 2014

Why am I weird minded?

Why am I weird minded?

First of all, I'm a very introverted person. The word for me is - a loner, a weird one. A lot of people think, that being a loner is the same as being lonely or sad, or even depressed. But that's not true, at least not in my case. Loner is kind of a state of mind, what I am. End. My definition.
Source: maryandjim.devianart.net
Enjoying my own company, doing what I please, social life equals zero, and the most important, I talk to myself. And I don't mean just saying some answers to yourself now and then, I mean a full conversation, when I talk for both people. And I don't need a mirror for that. Everything goes on in my mind, but I'm talking for real, like it's actually happening. Like seriously. Doing it loud and I don't know what people think, when they hear me, but I don't really care. My neighbours probably lost their minds by now. Anyways, after 15mins of talking to myself, I realise what the f**k am I doing, I laugh at myself and then I go: "I did it again." Like what the hell is wrong with you. That's actually my every day.

About a month ago, I found a writing by someone on the door at public toilet in Ljubljana, that said "You don't have to be perfect to be awesome!" and below, from someone else "I am awesome!". And I just had to take out my red pencil and write "and I'm weird!" Hahaha you can still find this creation there. What I wanted to say is, that I'm proving it all the way :D

In my TanVlog#2 (YT) I said, that "more, that you're alone, more crazy and freaky-minded you get." Amen! I'm a living prove. I spend a lot of time alone, because I want it that way. And that gives you stupid ideas and stories, fantasies and so on.. and, you know, that sh*t makes you even weirder. But I gotta admit that I like that. I like the fact, that I'm a freaky and bit of retarded human being. Me. Hi!
