20 Apr 2014

Me, behave? Hell no!

Me, behave? Hell no!

Firstly, just to get an impression, here's something that describes me perfectly:

"Some people think I'm crazy, but some people KNOW that I am."
(I just wrote that. I know, I know - such a poet.)

Source: favim.com

Whenever people are not at home, somewhere out, they are careful about their look, what they do, the attitude and so on.. but not me. I simply don't care how I present myself to the world around me. I don't care how my face looks at the moment, what I'm wearing, is my hair okay.. I just don't see, why would that be important in any way. Okay, I get that you have to be properly dressed for school, church or job, and of course I'm dressed like I should be in this situations. What I'm saying is, that when I go out with friends or while meeting new people, I don't care how I look or behave, I'm just good old me. Weird myself. 

As a result, I behave, like I'm at home, talking to myself, I make weird faces, talk loudly, sometimes scream across the hall to another friend, and then everybody is staring at me. At that times I think: 'Yeah, that's me, so face it!' I don't even try to make new friends, I actually made a few just BECAUSE I am the way that I am. I met some people, who are not afraid to look stupid in public, at college, on the bus. So actually, being completely myself has helped me to find exactly those human beings, who fit to my personality perfectly. If that's not something great, then I don't know what is!

Source: rachelslookbook.com
I'm not trying to make a good impression or trying to be similar to others in some situations, but I'm not saying that I'm not polite. I don't want to be rude! Who would want that? So, when I say, that I behave as I please, I mean - as I please WITH a nice heart to others. I guess. Seems legit to me!

Ya, about that behavior thing... I laugh loudly and retarded. I have so many different laughs, that probably not even one video on whole YouTube describes all the types of them. I'm laughing at anything, nothing, and everything, except for the actual jokes, because I often don't get them hahaha :D if you're ever looking for me, just follow your ears and you'll find me sooner as with using your eyes. People around me often look at me as 'what the hell is funny?' or 'would you stop already?' Unfortunately I find that amusing, so it makes it even worse.
Source: sodahead.com
So, if you're intending to become my friend, I have to warn you right now! Our behavior might get us into trouble, or (more possibly) you'll loose all your normal friends. When you're joining me = joining the weird club. To the weirdness!


17 Apr 2014

Why am I weird minded?

Why am I weird minded?

First of all, I'm a very introverted person. The word for me is - a loner, a weird one. A lot of people think, that being a loner is the same as being lonely or sad, or even depressed. But that's not true, at least not in my case. Loner is kind of a state of mind, what I am. End. My definition.
Source: maryandjim.devianart.net
Enjoying my own company, doing what I please, social life equals zero, and the most important, I talk to myself. And I don't mean just saying some answers to yourself now and then, I mean a full conversation, when I talk for both people. And I don't need a mirror for that. Everything goes on in my mind, but I'm talking for real, like it's actually happening. Like seriously. Doing it loud and I don't know what people think, when they hear me, but I don't really care. My neighbours probably lost their minds by now. Anyways, after 15mins of talking to myself, I realise what the f**k am I doing, I laugh at myself and then I go: "I did it again." Like what the hell is wrong with you. That's actually my every day.

About a month ago, I found a writing by someone on the door at public toilet in Ljubljana, that said "You don't have to be perfect to be awesome!" and below, from someone else "I am awesome!". And I just had to take out my red pencil and write "and I'm weird!" Hahaha you can still find this creation there. What I wanted to say is, that I'm proving it all the way :D

In my TanVlog#2 (YT) I said, that "more, that you're alone, more crazy and freaky-minded you get." Amen! I'm a living prove. I spend a lot of time alone, because I want it that way. And that gives you stupid ideas and stories, fantasies and so on.. and, you know, that sh*t makes you even weirder. But I gotta admit that I like that. I like the fact, that I'm a freaky and bit of retarded human being. Me. Hi!
